Friday, January 20, 2017
MAKING MEDFORD GREAT AGAIN: A New Mayor for the City of Medford 2017 In 41 weeks and four days!
Table of Contents
1)Making Medford Great Again
2)The McGlynn Machine, and its Sixty Year Dictatorship
3)Ex-Medford Officer Stephen Lebert, and how his crime is the rule, not the exception.
4)Condemned Police Station, and a chief derelict in his duties
5)The Unpretty Solicitor
6)The Bankruptcy of Harvey A. Alberg, the former colleague of Mark Rumley on the board of TV3
7)Incompetence with Water and Sewer
8)Broken streets, DPW in chaos
9)When the unions back an ignorant reprobate for city council
10)When the Sheriff's Office keeps a suspicious character on the payroll, turning a blind eye to mischievous and appalling public behavior at the city council
11)Quid Pro Quo in the office of McGlynn's puppet, Stephanie Muccini-Burke
12)Solutions for Medford's problems
13)Sexual Predators at the High School
A City vs. The McGlynn Machine
When in the course of Medford events that will improve life for your sons and daughters, it becomes necessary for the citizens of this city five miles north of Boston to take a stand, not be complacent, and improve the place where you live. You deserve better than broken streets, you deserve better than deceptive business practices from a city solicitor, a police chief, members of a broken and useless city council, and the thug-like behavior that has frightened residents from fighting against the treacherous individuals who have betrayed your trust.
If this published author has flavored our revolution with the Declaration of Independence, it is not done lightly.
Let's get the elephant out of the room right away

The ugly handiwork of police officer Jimmy Lee, his late brother the best friend of Mark E. Rumley, the city solicitor, is a metaphor for how ugly and violent the behavior of these thugs ruining our city truly is.
And as the Declaration of Independence state: " people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of ." Couldn't have said it better myself. Medford needs a break from the skullduggery and vicious activities by the self-proclaimed Medford "elites."
A dictionary definition is in order: Course of events means "the way things happen". it doesn't mean the result of events. course means the road or route, so here it means, the way in which something happens. instead of 'results of the events' you can say, ' outcome shows that'. outcome=result of an event.
In 41 weeks and four days!
In 2017 Medford citizens get a chance to revitalize our entire city. This crisis is our opportunity to make Medford the beautiful gem that it is...once you peel away the layers of onion initiated over six decades ago by the monopoly forced on citizens by the McGlynn regime. It is time for us to hold each member of the city council, school committee and the corner office accountable.
ReplyDeletePublic information publicly posted on the internet:
Massachusetts Trial Court Electronic Case Access
17H84SP004076 Hubbard, Arthur J vs. Viglione, Joseph
Case Type
Housing Court Summary Process
Case Status
File Date
DCM Track:
Initiating Action:
SP Transfer - Non-payment of Rent
Status Date:
Case Judge:
Next Event:
Property Address
59 Garfield Avenue
Medford MA 02155
Party Information
Hubbard, Arthur J - Plaintiff
Party Attorney
Boudreau, Jr., Esq., Herbert William
Bar Code
91 Montvale Ave
Suite 315
Stoneham, MA 02180
Phone Number
More Party Information
Viglione, Joseph - Defendant
Party Attorney
Pro Se
Bar Code
Phone Number
More Party Information
Date Session Locality Location Type Result
10/19/2017 09:00 AM First Session Courtroom 10 - 5th floor Summary Process Trial Not held but resolved
04/20/2018 02:00 PM Courtroom #2 Middlesex Session Hearing on Application for TRO Allowed
Docket Information
Docket Date Docket Text File Ref Nbr.
10/06/2017 SP Transfer - Non-payment of Rent from Somerville District Court 1
10/06/2017 Somerville District Court docket report 2
10/06/2017 Defendant's request for change of venue 3
10/06/2017 Somerville District Court SP Summons and Complaint - Cause 4
10/06/2017 Notice to quit filed 5
10/06/2017 Answer and Counterclaim of Joseph Viglione filed. 6
10/06/2017 Defendant Discovery Requests 7
10/06/2017 Reply of Arthur J Hubbard to Counterclaim filed 09/11/2017 8
10/06/2017 Plaintiff Discovery Response 9
10/06/2017 Transferred from Somerville District Court, 1710SU000290.
10/06/2017 Scheduled
Event: Summary Process Trial
Date: 10/19/2017 Time: 09:00 AM
Result: Not held but resolved
10/12/2017 Defendant's motion to amend the answer
10/19/2017 Event Resulted
Judge: Winik, Hon. Jeffrey M
The following event: Summary Process Trial scheduled for 10/19/2017 09:00 AM has been resulted as follows:
Result: Not held but resolved
10/19/2017 Agreement for Judgment ( 4/02/18 )
10/19/2017 Referred to Housing Specialist
10/25/2017 Alternative Dispute Resolution Outcome
Referral Date: 10/19/2017
Referral Source:
Referral Event: Summary Process Trial Oct 19, 2017 9:00:00 AM
Referral Status: Closed - Settled
Referral Specialist: Neville, Michael T
04/10/2018 An execution for Possession has issued.
Party(s) against whom the execution is issued: Joseph Viglione.
Party(s) in whose favor the execution is issued: Arthur J Hubbard.
04/20/2018 Defendant's Statement of Material Facts for a Motion to Stay Levy of the Execution
04/20/2018 Scheduled
Event: Hearing on Application for TRO
Date: 04/20/2018 Time: 02:00 PM
Result: Allowed
04/20/2018 Defendant's copy of 48 Hour Notice
04/20/2018 Tenant's motion and Application for Stay of Levy on Execution Order(s)
04/20/2018 Affidavit of Indigency FILED
04/20/2018 Event Resulted
Judge: Winik, Hon. Jeffrey M
The following event: Hearing on Application for TRO scheduled for 04/20/2018 02:00 PM has been resulted as follows:
Result: Allowed; Deft to pay $1, 700 by 4/20/18, $1,700 by 4/25/18. If paid levy stayed til 5/1/18 @9AM w/o new 48 hr notice. If payments not made, levy on 4/26/18 w/o new 48 hr notice. No further extensions.
Judge: Winik, Hon. Jeffrey M
04/30/2018 Motion To Stay and Extend Time filed by Joseph Viglione
Emergency denied w/o hearing
04/30/2018 Notice Of Appeal
Case Disposition
Disposition Date
Agreement for Judgment 11/01/2017